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Buy Abroad News

05 Aug 11

Is A Recession the Right Time To Buy

Property pundits are boldly predicting that this is the best time to get involved in property and expand your portfolios. David Graham one of our consultants received this email below from a respected property investment company, have a read and make your own mind up:

With all of the international stock markets crashing there has never been a better time to invest in property. There are talks of double dip recessions, whole countries are going bankrupt, it is a wonderful time if you are a property investor.

When markets are down property prices are down, if you invest cleverly during these times you could have significant rewards with high yields and enormous capital appreciation in the long term as the prices go up. Many property millionaires kick start their portflios in times of recession.

What is the point in buying properties when the prices are at a peak? They are only going to go down. Property investment is like a roller coaster; for the prices to go up they have to go down, you just have to know when to get off. So buy when the market is down, it is not rocket science.

There are a lot of incredible property deals available at the moment with owners desperate to sell. The way people buy, sell and trade properties is becoming different and we all need to move with the times, people are relying less on banks to buy property and opting for alternative strategies.

Investors should embrace the changes in the property world, look at new locations that you have never considered before, think outside of the box. Times are changing quickly, the world is becoming a smaller place and if you want to keep up you need to be adaptable and move with it.

A lot of people will look back to these times and wish they had bought properties and kick themselves for not having the guts to go for it or to maximise their portfolios to the limit. Many will look back and think it was the best thing they ever did and be thankful as it will have changed their lives and realise that it was a turning point in their life for the better.

What will you do?

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